Do you enjoy posting your photos on your social media account and tweak them around, adding effects and filters to make them look better, funnier, or edgier? If you do, you may like FaceApp latest APK 11.10.2 (12720) which is an app that can be used to ‘change’ your face. It’s not like the app will completely make your face look different, but it does have some of the special features that will make your photos look different and unique. It is an app that offers a free plan with limited features. That’s why there is the paid service with more features.
FaceApp File Information
Last updated: May 21, 2024
Developer: Wireless Lab OOO
Version: 11.10.2 (12720)
Requirement: Android 4.4 and up
File size: 84.1 MB
Uploaded: May 21, 2024 at 4:42PM GMT+07
MD5: de67814d60a7e94f61c512f6797e521d
SHA1: c37a5720d7e7c2c8446df145bb0f063053d6f1d4
Available on Google Play: Install from Google Play
FaceApp app review
If you are bored with the already-regular features of brightening the skin, adding dog ears to your head, or removing spots from your face, the idea of FaceApp for Android may be appealing to you. Instead of adding the regular filters and decorations, you are given the freedom to see yourself in a different gender or as an older you. Yes, the free features of the app is making your photo look younger, older (old face), or as a different gender. There is also a feature where you can ‘change’ your only-smiling picture of a tooth-baring grinning picture. You can get it for free but if you want more filters you can subscribe for pro version.
The idea of the app is to provide photorealistic outcome, thanks to the Photorealism concept and the neural network. Whereas other apps may change your photos to a completely different look, this one doesn’t. Your photo will remain the same, but it has additional filter and technology that makes you look different and even unique. One feature that most people like is the gender altering system. Don’t you think it is cool when you can see yourself as a girl or as a guy? Another feature that people like from this app is the teeth-baring ability. Some people find it difficult to smile or grin widely. But thanks to this feature, now they can still smile with their mouth closed and yet still be able to see how attractive they are with the wide grin. It is too bad that those are all of the options for the free service. Sure, you can enjoy more features when you use the paid service, but not many people are willing to spend money for such an app. It is fun for now, but it may be short-lived.
- You can use the free service, although the features are quite limited.
- Downloading the app is free.
- The user interface is easy. It is even fun to use.
- The result is quite good and impressive. Your photos will look real.
- The limited free service is quite disappointing.
- Some people find it mediocre after a while.
- The lack of features will wear off after the frenzy and you will get bored after a while.
How to Use the App
Using the app is easy. After downloading and installing it, you only need to click it open and use the available features. If you want to see the effects, upload your pictures. Follow the directions to finish the upload and see the result. Well, all the instructions are there. Even if this is your first time, you won’t lose your way around.
- Bug fixes.