Office Mobile 16.0.12624.20296 (42065329)
Old APK Version
By Microsoft Corporation
The old version of Office Mobile 16.0.12624.20296 (42065329) APK is available. Office Mobile apps include the mobile versions of Ms. Word, Ms. Excel and also Ms. PowerPoint. All the apps are bundled in Office Hub. They support editing for new Office file formats such as .pptx, .xlsx, .docx.
File Information
- Version: 16.0.12624.20296 (42065329)
- Minimum Android version: Android 6.0 and up
- Last updated: April 29, 2020
- Developer: Microsoft Corporation
- File size: 92.1 MB
- Uploaded: April 15, 2020 at 9:15AM GMT+07
- MD5: 77a1d8c9157eb90656765c570dddb68b
- SHA1: 9d88c9d71ddc3b9d9654410c14765fde58611cfb
What's new in 16.0.12624.20296 (42065329) ?- Bug fixes and improvements.
Latest Version
updated: June 20, 2020
Older Versions
updated: June 20, 2020
updated: May 21, 2020
updated: April 15, 2020
updated: February 18, 2020
updated: February 9, 2020
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Developer: Kingsoft Office Software Corporation Limited
Developer: Microsoft Corporation